The premature loss of the primary teeth is due to different factors like the level of caries activity, the oral hygiene, the presence of fluoride in the water, the socio-economic status of the population, the philosophy of the dentist. The aim of this article is to compare the D4MF(T+t) index of children with premature loss and those without premature loss of deciduous teeth. The subject of monitoring of the clinical research were 140 children between the age of 6 and 9. The clinical group consisted of 90 children with prematurely extracted teeth, divided into three groups. The control group consisted of 50 children with intact denture. The dental status was examined and registered according to the WHO by the D4MF (T+t) index. There was a statistically significant difference in the D4MF(T+t) index between the control groups (1.40±0.13) and the clinical groups (4.68±0.33, 4.90±0.41 and 5.76±0.41). The children with premature extraction of the temporary teeth had a higher caries activity with significantly more complicated carious lesions compared to the control group (children without early loss of teeth). The children from the third group, with prematurely extracted temporary teeth and severe orthodontic deformation have the highest prevalence of D4MF(T+t). These results demonstrate the connection between D4MF(T+t), the malocclusions and the need of prophylaxis.
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