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Cephalometric evaluation of the cranial base in the Bulgarian population

Katya Todorova – Plachiyska, Silvia Krasteva, Stefan Zlatev, Stilyana Krasteva


INTRODUCTION: The cranial base is a relatively stable area of the craniofacial region used in many radio­graphic cephalometric analyses. The cephalometric analyses are generally based on the Caucasian cephalo­metric standards and there has been concern about elaborating the cephalometric analysis to be more spe­cific for the Bulgarian patients.

AIM: The aim of the present study was to determine the cephalometric norms of the cranial bases for the Bulgarian population and to compare them to other standards.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Lateral cephalograms of 90 orthodontically untreated Bulgarian adults with clinically excellent occlusion were evaluated and the anteroposterior skeletal measurements of the cra­nial base were assessed using standard cephalometric analyses. The data were processed with statistical package SPSS 19.0.

RESULTS: Based on gender, we established statistically significant differences. The mean values of cranial base indicators did not differ between subjects of different age in the sample.

CONCLUSION: The mean values for the total sample can be used as cephalometric standards for Bulgar­ians. Cephalometric values identified for Bulgarian subjects are expected to help in the simplification of orthodontic diagnoses.


Bulgarian population, cranial base, cephalometric assessment

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About The Authors

Katya Todorova – Plachiyska
Faculty of Dental medicine Medical University - Plovdiv Department of Orthodontics

Dr. Katya Todorova - Plachiyska is an assistant at the Department of Orthodontics of the Faculty of Dental Medicine - Plovdiv.

She received her master`s degree in Dental medicine from the Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University of Plovdiv in 2010. In 2011 she is assigned as a PhD student at the Department of Imaging Diagnostics, Dental Allergy and Physiotherapy of the Faculty of Dental Medicine - Plovdiv. She is a member of: Bulgarian Orthodontic Society, European Orthodontic Society and the Bulgarian Dental Association. Her recent publication include `Radiographic diagnosis of interceptive treatment of class IIdivision 1 skeletal deformities` (Orthodontic review, 2016). Her research interests include the orthodontic cephalometry, interceptive treatment and dental allergy.

Silvia Krasteva
Faculty of Dental medicine Medical University - Plovdiv Department of Orthodontics

Department of Orthodontics, chair of department

Stefan Zlatev
Faculty of Dental medicine Medical University - Plovdiv Department of Prosthetic Dental Medicine

assistant at the Department of Prosthetic Dental Medicine

Stilyana Krasteva
Faculty of Dental medicine Medical University - Plovdiv Department of Periodontology

assistant at the Department of Periodontology

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