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Mandibular second molar impaction - literature review and case reports

Deyan Neychev, Ivan Chenchev, Dimitar Atanasov


Aim: To assess the incidence of mandibular second molar impaction and the treatment methods for this condition.

Materials and Methods: A retrospective review of the cases of patients diagnosed with impaction of mandibular molars at the Department of Oral Surgery of the Faculty of Dental Medicine - Plovdiv during the past 11 years was performed.

Results: 962 patients with impaction of mandibular molars were operated on in the analyzed period. This diagnosis is relatively rare in second mandibular molars and represents 0.94% of all cases. Most often, diagnosis is based on clinical evidence of missing molars and on panoramic radiographs. In the cases described by us, only surgical treatment was used.

Conclusion: The treatment of this condition is a challenge which requires an individual approach to each case and an assessment to determine what treatment approach is to be used - surgical or orthodontic.


Mandibular second molar impaction, Surgical treatment

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About The Authors

Deyan Neychev
Medical University of Plovdiv, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Department of Oral Surgery

Ivan Chenchev
Medical University of Plovdiv, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Department of Oral Surgery

Dimitar Atanasov
Medical University of Plovdiv, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Department of Oral Surgery

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