INTRODUCTION: The role of simple carbohydrates as a major etiological factor for the carious process is well known. Studies have shown that frequent use of conventional sugar-containing medications increases the risk for oral health. Today, a significant proportion of the population chooses alternative medicine and particularly homeopathy for treatment and prophylaxis, considering it effective and safe. However, its influence on oral conditions and its involvement as a risk factor for oral health still remains an under-discussed topic.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 18 volunteer students in dental medicine. An in vitro saliva test with colored strips was used for four consecutive weeks and after intake of three commonly used homeopathic medications. The following entries were registered: baseline value, 15th, 30th and 60th minute following the intake of the respective homeopathic doses. During the first week, the study was carried out without intake of any homeopathic medicine. The data was subjected to statistical analysis.
RESULTS: There was a fall in saliva pH following intake of homeopathic medications in all studied patients. The рH reduction was most significant at the 15th minute, and the average drop for the three homeopathic medications was - 0.68, 0.94, 1.07, respectively. On the 30th and 60th minute, the mean pH drop remained the highest for the third drug.
CONCLUSION: There was a decrease in saliva pH in all individuals after administration of each medication. In a significant part of the cases the drop was below the critical value of 5.5. The values remained lower than the baseline even an hour following the intake.
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