Adolescents are defined as patients with significant dental needs as a result of: acute and fast progression of the carious process, high risk of traumas and periodontal diseases, bad nutrition habits, requirements for aesthetics and information, a complex of orthodontic and restorative treatment (for example, hypodontia), dental phobia, a possible use of tobacco, alcohol and drugs, pregnancy, nutrition disorders, and unique psychological needs. Adolescence is a period of life connected with high carious activity among many patients. The immature enamel of the permanent teeth, along with the increasing number of contact surfaces, the relative autonomy in the decisions about dental treatment, poor oral hygiene, may have a positive effect on the development of the carious process in adolescents. The most common restorative materials, used in the teenage years are resin composites and other resin-modified materials, glass-ionomer cements, silver amalgam and stainless steel alloys. Yet ceramics and casting alloys are rarely used in pediatric dentistry. In the cases where the remineralization of non-caved demineralized surfaces of tooth fails and the carious process continues dental restorations are needed. The choice of the restoration material and treatment method are based on the every patient`s individual needs, requirements for aesthetics and the necessity to protect dental structures.
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