AIM: The aim of this article is to present a review of the literature data about the possibilities of CAD-CAM technology usage in pediatric dentistry.
METHODS: An electronic search of the literature from 2005 to 2018 was performed using two databases: Medline/PubMed and Embase.
RESULTS: The first computer system helping with restorations - CEREC (initially Siemens, now Sirona) was implemented about 30 years ago. Many systems are already available to use both in the dental office and the technician`s laboratory. Now every type of ceramic material can be used in a restoration for almost all indications of aesthetic dentistry. The functional and aesthetic restorations for severely damaged primary and permanent children`s teeth require materials which must be biocompatible, mechanically durable during mastication and with unchanging colour. In the literature data there are evidences about Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology usage in pediatric dentistry for dental restorations of extensive carious lesions, eroded and abraded teeth, primary teeth with absence of a permanent successor, dental dysplasia or dental trauma of hard tooth tissues.
CONCLUSION: Ceramic materials and CAD/CAM technologies are increasingly being used in aesthetic dentistry both in adults and children.
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