Determining the color of the teeth is a complicated process. Scientific research has shown that 75% of dental medicine doctors are struggling when visually determining the color of the teeth with the help of shade master. Factors like light condition, timeframe, age, sex, clothing, visual perception, redistribution of enamel masses, shine, transparency, opacity, and color of the gingiva make it harder to determine the right color of the teeth. Contemporary dentistry uses different methods and mechanisms, which can ease the work of the dentists. The uses of spectrophotometers, colorimeters, and digital images are useful instruments when analyzing the colors. These instruments are useful methods for analyzing the colors for direct and indirect restorations, procedures before and after teeth whitening, communication with indirect restorations, recreation and shade checking, as well as quality control of color recreation. In articles the authors recommend when available to combine the visual method as well as the instrumental method of color determination, because they complement each other and lead to predictable results.
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