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Scripta Scientifica Medicinae Dentalis

Adequate gingival retraction as prerequisite for fabrication of precise fixed partial dentures - algorithm for clinical implementation

Iveta Katreva, Maya Doychinova


Aim: The aim of the paper is to introduce an algorithm for chemo-mechanical retraction with α-adrenomimetic decongestants as impregnating agents for adequate and safe gingival retraction - a prerequisite for production of precise fixed partial dentures (FPD).

Materials and Methods:  The clinical algorithm is based upon the results obtained from our previous researches and data gathered from the literature sources for effectiveness of α-adrenergic sympathicomimetic decongestants - 0.05% xylometazoline HCl, 0.05% tetrahydrozoline HCl and 10% phenylephrine HCl, as alternative retraction agents.

Results:  It is established that following the sequence of the suggested algorithm for the clinical use of α -adrenomimetic decongestants provides sufficient degree of reversible horizontal and vertical gingival retraction without causing harmful effects to the periodontal tissue complex. The effect of conventional and alternative impregnating agents is compared, and the latter exhibits significantly better results both in penetration of the impression material and in terms of bio-tolerance towards the oral tissues. The working algorithm is presented with 0.05% xylometazoline HCl, but it is universal for the whole chemical group of the researched compounds.  It can be introduced in the routine dental practice with any α-adrenomimetic decongestant with no risk of adverse effects or mistakes.

Conclusion: The systematic algorithm favors the implementation of α-adrenomimetic retraction agents in the clinical practice and helps to make the methodology popular among dental specialists.The application of α-adrenomimetic decongestants is systemized within seven easy to follow procedures in order to obtain adequate gingival retraction - a mandatory condition in the fabrication of FPD.


materials; biomaterials; gingival retraction; retraction agents; treatment protocol; fixed partial dentures

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About The Authors

Iveta Katreva
Medical University of Varna, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry

Maya Doychinova
Medical University of Varna, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Pathology

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