Introduction: Periapical lesions of endodontic origin are common pathological conditions affecting the periradicular tissues. Mainly responsible for the initiation and progression of apical periodontitis is the microbial infection of pulpal tissues. There are different conservative techniques that can be applied in order to establish a healing process of periapical lesions of endodontic origin.
Materials and Methods: We have conducted a research that covers related articles and publications, in order to review the different conservative management treatment techniques for lesions affecting the periradicular tissues.
Results: Different non-surgical management techniques have been described, namely: conservative root canal therapy, decompression technique, a method using calcium hydroxide, aspiration-irrigation technique, lesion sterilization and repair therapy, active non-surgical decompression technique, and the apexum procedure.
Conclusion: All of the described management techniques present with advantages, disadvantages and specific indications that should be taken into consideration when managing the treatment plan of every specific clinical case.
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