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Factors associated with light curing units: a questionnaire survey

Georgi Plamenov Georgiev


Introduction: The introduction of light-cured resin-based materials is a revolutionary step in restorative dentistry. Despite their wide distribution and daily use, the interaction between visible curing light and composite resins is not understood well enough by most dentists.

Aim: The aim of this study is to check dentists’ level of knowledge about different factors affecting the polymerization process of resin-based composites and the use of light curing units (LCUs).

Materials and Methods: The task was performed by an anonymous questionnaire survey, consisting of 15 questions, which was filled out by 112 dentists from the whole country.

Results and Discussion: The analysis of the results shows that most of the dentists are poorly acquainted with the factors affecting the polymerization of resin-based composites. Dentists often make mistakes when placing their adhesive restorations, which leads to the incomplete polymerization of the material and all the consequences from that – risk of fractures, lower wear resistance, elution of unreacted monomers, higher microleakage, and lower adhesive bonding strength.

Light intensity is one of the main factors that determine the necessary curing time. However, more than the half of the participants in the survey (52%) do not know their LCU’s output and 21%   do not use any protection, which leads to a serious risk of eye damage.

Conclusion: It is necessary for dentists to improve their knowledge about LCUs and the polymerization process of resin-based composites, which will significantly increase the longevity of their composite fillings.


light curing units, polymerization process, resin-based composites

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About The Author

Georgi Plamenov Georgiev
Medical University of Varna

Department of Conservative Dental Treatment and Oral Pathology, Faculty of Dental Medicine

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