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Digital analysis of teeth treated with the Hall technique

Evgeni Dimitrov, Boris Borisov


INTRODUCTION: The information about digital examination provided by the scientific literature is quite insufficient. Therefore, digital examination of the occlusion is an object of analysis not only in Bulgaria but in other countries as well. No evidence for digital occlusal analysis on Hall-crowned teeth was found in the prosthetic part of the pediatric dentistry.

AIM: The aim of this article is to conduct a study on the occlusal balance with T-scan after treatment with preformed metal crowns (PMCs) using the Hall technique.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Object of the clinical study were 50 crowned primary teeth. Unit of observation with the T-scan 8 system were occlusal articulation relationships in primary and early mixed dentition after the Hall technique.

RESULTS: The results confirmed equal occlusal relationships in both sides – the crowned teeth compared with the symmetrical natural teeth. The occlusal contacts were with a similar value of the summary masticatory force compared with the control group of natural teeth.

CONCLUSION: The received data confirmed that the restoration of decayed teeth with preformed metal crowns maintained the occlusal harmony in the dentition.


T-scan, PMCs, Hall technique, primary teeth

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About The Authors

Evgeni Dimitrov
Medical University of Varna

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine

Boris Borisov
Medical University of Varna

Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dental Medicine

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