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Conventional vs. digital impression technique for manufacturing of three-unit zirconia bridges: Evaluation of patients’ perception, preference, and treatment comfort

Kiril Gogushev, Metodi Abadjiev, Zornitsa Valcheva


INTRODUCTION: Taking an impression of the oral cavity, which accurately recreates the prosthetic field, the surrounding hard dental and soft tissues, is one of the main and most important stages in the process of making any fixed prosthetic structure.

AIM: The aim of the present study is to compare the comfort and satisfaction of patients in need of prosthetic restoration of a defect in the dentition, using conventional and digital impression techniques and to determine their preference for any of them.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The satisfaction of 36 patients in need of prosthetic rehabilitation treatment with conventional and digital impression techniques was analyzed and compared. After completing the stages of conventional and digital impressions, patients were asked to complete a comparative questionnaire of 9 questions using a numerical rating scale (NRS), stating their preference for one of the two techniques.

RESULTS: Regarding the conventional impression technique, we obtained the lowest average values according to the criteria “general discomfort” (6.44±2.09), “total time for execution of the impression technique” (6.14±1.53), and “nausea” (6.17±2.86). The results of the same criteria in digital impression technology showed a significantly better response. All examined patients preferred the digital impression technique in cases where more than one impression had to be taken. 

DISCUSSION: Our results show that patients identify digital impressions as more comfortable for them. Differences in the level of comfort, which included nausea, difficulty breathing, discomfort in the TMJ with a wide open mouth, were statistically significant (p <0.001).

CONCLUSION: In terms of patient comfort and satisfaction, the digital impression technique is better perceived than the conventional one.



clinical study, digital, impression, preference, comfort, patient

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About The Authors

Kiril Gogushev
Medical University of Varna

Department of Prosthetic Dental Medicine, Faculty of Dental Medicine

Metodi Abadjiev
Medical University of Varna

Department of Prosthetic Dental Medicine, Faculty of Dental Medicine

Zornitsa Valcheva
Medical University of Varna

Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dental Medicine

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