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Oral manifestations in patients with Covid-19 – literature review

Puyan Heydari, Vladimir Panov


The outcomes of different investigations indicate inconsistency in lesions in the oral cavity associated with COVID-19. Most often we can find dysgeusia, aphthous-like lesions, ulcerations, macules, petechiae, erosions, enanthem, vesicles and pustules, herpetiform lesions and necrosis. Bad oral hygiene, stress, infections, underlying diseases, trauma after intubation, vascular compromise and immunosuppression are probably the most relevant reasons for the appearance of oral lesions in these patients and the etiopathogenesis of these lesions seems to be multifactorial. The lesions could be related to the direct or indirect effect of the virus on the oral mucosa, immunosuppression, drug reactions or coinfections. The tongue, palate and lips were the most frequent locations affected. Older age and the severity of COVID-19 infection are the most common reasons that predict the severity of oral lesions.

Perhaps most oral manifestations are yet to be described, due to the lack of medical attention in lockdown periods. All doctors, in particular dentists and dermatologists, are encouraged to perform regular and proper examination of the oral cavity of all suspected and confirmed patients to identify the disease's possible early symptoms. Spotting these oral lesions is important not only for treating them, but also for detecting the infection. 


COVID-19; oral manifestations; SARS-CoV-2

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About The Authors

Puyan Heydari
Medical University of Varna

Department of Conservative Dental Treatment and Oral Pathology, Faculty of Dental Medicine

Vladimir Panov
Medical University of Varna

Department of Conservative Dental Treatment and Oral Pathology, Faculty of Dental Medicine

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