Introduction: Frenectomy is one of the most common soft-tissue surgical procedures among children. Short superior labial frenulum is a condition that may lead to a number of disorders in the permanent dentition arrangement and subsequent disturbing aesthetic results. The widespread laser application in pediatric frenectomies is attributed to the fact that lasers claim to provide minimally invasive, short, blood-free manipulation, significantly better patient’s perception, and possibility of treatment under local anesthesia.
Aim: The present paper aims to examine and compare the intraoperative parameters and the healing process for the surgical treatment of short labial frenulum using Er:Cr:YSGG and diode lasers.
Materials and Methods: The study included 52 patients aged 6 to 18 years; 28 of them underwent frenectomy with an Er,Cr:YSGG laser (WaterLase, Biolase),while the remaining 24 patients were treated with a diode laser (Elexxion).The object of the study involved signs such as bleeding ,duration of the procedure,need of sutures, postoperative pain, discomfort during eating/speaking, wound healing, etc.
Results: Our results showed that diode lasers provide better bleeding control during surgery, while Er,Cr:YSGG lasers showed accelerated soft-tissue healing and reduced levels of pain in the early postoperative period. Operative time, discomfort during eating or speaking, and the risk of recurrence showed no statistically significant differrence between the two lasers.
Conclusion: Laser-assisted frenectomy has many benefits for the patient as well as the oral surgeon. Both diode and Er,Cr:YSGG lasers provide reduction of intraoperative bleeding, shortened surgical time, uneventful postoperative period with low levels of pain, fewer eating/speech disorders, and adequate wound healing.
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