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Scripta Scientifica Pharmaceutica

Metabolomics - a new era in bio(pharmaceutical) analysis

Bistra Galunska


The major aim of metabolomics is to identify and quantify all endogenous and exogenous small molecule metabolites in a biological system in a high-throughput manner. Metabolomics has the potential to deliver diagnostic biomarkers for the detection and prognosis of diseases, and the prediction of the efficacy and safety of pharmaceutical treatment. Metabolomics can also provide insights into the biochemical mechanisms of diseases and their modulation by drugs. The analytical platforms include NMR spectroscopy, masspectrometry combined with gas or liquid chromatography. Due to the complexity of the metabolome, no single analytical platform can be applied to detect all metabolites in a biological sample.Different conceptual approaches are used in metabolomics. Targeted (specific) metabolomics is a quantitative approach where a set of known metabolites are quantitated. The identities of metabolites were initially established based on the available databases and using standard compounds; the identified metabolite peaks are then quantified based on internal or external reference compounds. Targeted metabolomics can provide greater insights into the dynamics and fluxes of metabolites. Non-targeted (global) metabolomics aims for a quick and reliable identification of small molecule biomarkers characteristic for a particular physiological state in response to internal or external stimuli. This approach is often used in pharmacokinetic studies of drug metabolism and when looking at the effect of therapeutics or genetic modifications on a specific enzyme.The development of personalised metabolomics in the future, will give the opportunity to track the trends of the metabolome for personalised drugs and improved treatment strategies.


metabolomics, analytical platforms, targeted and nontargeted analysis



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Bistra Galunska

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