Purpose. The purpose of our work was the research of phenolic compounds in canna lily (Canna x hybrida Hort.) flowers for a further detailed study of canna lily plant raw material phytochemical composition.
Materials and methods. Canna lily flowers of red color collected in Ukraine in summer 2014-2016 were chosen as the object of the study. Ethanol extracts obtained from dried flowers were used for the research. The extracts were analyzed using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) technique on a liquid chromatograph equipped by diode-array detector Shimadzu HPLC-system, ser 20. HPLC technique was used to detect phenolic compounds in canna lily flowers.
Results and conclusions. Rutin, neochlorogenic, chlorogenic, caffeic and rosemarinic acids were identified in canna lily flowers.
The obtained experimental data can be used in the development of the standardization parameters of canna lily flowers.
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