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Scripta Scientifica Pharmaceutica


Caroline Welendorf, Carolina F., Vitor C. Pinhanelli, Barbara D. Santos, Leticia S. Wolf, Flavia C. Ferreira, Rayana Eduarda, Wilson Salgado, Carla B. Nonino


Introduction: Telomere lenght is physiologically associated with ageing but it may be influenced by oxidative stress and chronic inflammation, linked to obesity. In several studies short telomere length has also been associated to obesity in adults. However, there are still few studies evaluating the influence of obesity, diet and bariatric surgery on telomere length.

Aim: This study aims to evaluate the telomere length in obese women before and after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), and associate these data with anthropometric variables and body composition.

Materials and Methods: A prospective and longitudinal study has been conducted with severely obese women from a mixed population, aged 25 to 50 years, undergoing RYGB. Anthropometric data (weight and height), body composition, and peripheral blood for analysis of telomere length were collected before and 6 months after the surgical procedure. The telomere length was measured by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method described by Cawton and obtained by the T/S ratio for each sample [ΔCt = Ct (Tel) - Ct (36B4); T/S ratio = 2 (-ΔCt)]. Preliminary results: Thriteen women with grade III obesity were selected before the bariatric surgery. The mean age was 38.64±6.2 years, the mean weight was 110.9±14 kg and the BMI was 42.8±4.1 kg/m². The body composition assessment showed that the mean fat mass was 53.3±9.3 kg and the fat-free mass was 58.95±6.8 kg. The mean telomere length of these patients was 0.16±0.13 bp.

Conclusion: The next step will be to relate the anthropometric, biochemical and food intake data of 50 patients before and 6 months after the bariatric surgery and to verify the influence on telomere length.


bariatric surgery, obesity, telomere length



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About The Authors

Caroline Welendorf

Carolina F.

Vitor C. Pinhanelli

Barbara D. Santos

Leticia S. Wolf

Flavia C. Ferreira

Rayana Eduarda

Wilson Salgado

Carla B. Nonino

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