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Acute methanol intoxications registered in Varna region (Bulgaria) for a 25-year period

Petko Marinov, Kaloyan Georgiev, Yulichka Subeva, Dobri Ivanov, Snezha Zlateva, Ivaylo Vazharov


This retrospective study was conducted to follow out acute intoxications with methanol in Varna region (Bulgaria) for a 25-year period (1991-2015). At that time, 98 patients with methanol poisoning were regis- tered in the Clinic of Toxicology of Military Medical Academy in Varna, Bulgaria. The average age of the patients was 44.5 years. The diagnosis was made based on symptoms and was confirmed by gas chromato- graphic analysis of methanol concentration. The majority of poisonings were accidental - 88.9 %, and only   a small part was with suicidal intentions (9.2%). Lethal outcome was registered in 38 patients. Eight of the survived patients (13.3%) were with residual visual impairment and six of them had permanent neurologi- cal complications.


acute poisoning; intoxication; methanol; coma; convulsions

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About The Authors

Petko Marinov
Medical University of Varna

Kaloyan Georgiev
Medical University of Varna

Yulichka Subeva
Medical University of Varna

Dobri Ivanov
Medical University of Varna

Snezha Zlateva
Medical University of Varna

Ivaylo Vazharov
Medical University of Varna

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