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A study of surface water pollution with azithromycin in Ukraine

Hanna Yeromina, Zinaida Ieromina, Andrii Fedosov, Olha Vislous, Мarharyta Suleiman, Taras Upyr, Irina Sych, Lina Perekhoda


Introduction: Water pollution with antibiotics plays a key role in the formation and spread of antibiotic resistance, which threatens humanity and the environment as a whole.

Aim: The purpose of our work was to develop a method for determining azithromycin in wastewater and surface water using the thin-layer chromatography method.

Materials and Methods: The developed technique was tested in the wastewater of Zolochiv district of Kharkiv region.

Results and Discussion: Using conventional analytical scales and universal chromatography in thin layers of a sorbent, it is possible to identify azithromycin with a water concentration of ≥ 30 µg/mL without complex and expensive equipment, such as HPLC or LC/MS/MS. The results showed that the concentration of azithromycin is less than 30 µg/mL.


pollutants; antibiotic resistance; thin-layer chromatography; surface water; PEC; PNEC; EMA

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About The Authors

Hanna Yeromina
National University of Pharmacy

Zinaida Ieromina
National University of Pharmacy

Andrii Fedosov
National University of Pharmacy

Olha Vislous
National University of Pharmacy

Мarharyta Suleiman
National University of Pharmacy

Taras Upyr
National University of Pharmacy

Irina Sych
National University of Pharmacy

Lina Perekhoda
National University of Pharmacy

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