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Assessment of the effectiveness of medical simulators in the practical training of medical students: Preliminary results in MU-Varna

Yanita Chernogorova, Deyan Grancharov, Zhivko Bliznakov


INTRODUCTION: Nowadays, simulators have become part of most medical universities’ educational strategy. In recent years, Medical University of Varna has been equipped with the most modern medical simulators, aiming to meet the practical training needs of all specialties taught at the university.

AIM: The aim of this study is to perform an initial assessment of the effectiveness in the use of simulators, as well as simulation-based training provided at the Medical University of Varna.


MATERIALS AND METHODS: We developed a set of criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the simulation training including: simulators accessibility, complexity and safety, as well as training environment and trainers’ preparedness. Based on these criteria, a questionnaire was developed and a survey conducted to study the students’ opinion on the training quality with two medical simulators: dental and anesthesiology.


RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Two groups of medical students - 73 students in dental medicine and 186 students in anesthesiology and intensive care, were enrolled in the study. The results showed a strong relationship between the students’ specialty and simulation training in all evaluation criteria except one. The results revealed that medical simulators play an essential role in the practical training of medical students, and may substantially improve their future medical performance. Medical University of Varna effectively integrates simulation medicine into its educational program.


medical simulators; practical training; simulation-based education; assessment of effectiveness

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About The Authors

Yanita Chernogorova
Medical University of Varna

Simulation Center

Deyan Grancharov
Medical University of Varna

Simulation Center

Zhivko Bliznakov
Medical University of Varna

Simulation Center

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