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Tooth Supported Overdenture Utilizing Pinlay Ball Attachments: a Case Report

Desislav Dobrev, Daniel Rachev, Miroslav Stoykov, Metodi Abadzhiev


Introduction: Various types of treatment for rapidly increasing elderly population with partially or completely edentulous patients may be indicated. Conventional complete dentures and both tooth-supported and implant-supported overdentures are common treatment modalities. The preservation of supporting teeth as overdenture abutments provide efficient prosthetic treatment. Tooth-supported overdentures can be retained with attachments improving both retention and stability. This treatment modality is cost-effective, maintains dental proprioception and simultaneously reduces alveolar bone resorption.

Materials and Methods: This case report describes the treatment of a 63-year-old man with partially edentulous upper arch and completely edentulous lower arch. The study was carried out at the Department of Prosthetic Dental Medicine, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University of Varna.

Results: The treatment plan included extraction of teeth with poor prognosis, through periodontal therapy and root canal treatment for the selected teeth. Abutment teeth were prepared 2-3 mm supragingivally in a dome-shaped contour hemispherically rounded in all dimensions. Two pinlay balls were made in the university dental technology laboratory. One complete denture for the upper arch and one overdenture for the lower arch were made. Speaking and chewing functions were restored with a good aesthetical view.

Conclusion: Tooth-retained overdentures improve biting force, chewing efficiency and minimize alveolar bone resorption than do conventional complete dentures. Despite the fact that the concept of overdentures has become trendy with the inception of implant dentistry, the treatment costs may not be affordable to most of the patients. That is why a tooth-retained overdenture may be advised whenever few teeth with good support remain as an alternative to dental implants or even total complete denture.


overdenture, edentulous, implant



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