Scientific Online Resource System

Varna Medical Forum

Vol 7 (2018): Suppl. 1. Proceedings from the Scientific Conference “European Maritime Day: Sea and Health, May 18-19, 2018

Cover and Contents PDF


Awareness of the visitors of solar studios in Varna and Dobrich about the health risks from their use PDF
Slavka Valcheva, Mariela Ilieva, Neli Kancheva, Denitsa Georgieva, Teodora Dimitrova 7-12
Medical care provision for diving activities PDF
Vizhdan Kemal Talib, Dimitar Stavrev 13-17
Medical care provision on offshore oil platforms PDF
Teofan Kuyumdzhiev, Iglika Marinova, Hristianna Romanova 18-22
Tropical marine species - source of dangerous toxins PDF
Nadezhda Hvarchanova, Marieta Georgieva 23-28
Priority behavior of the physician in high and low board temperatures PDF
Teofan Kuyumdzhiev, Hristianna Romanova 29-33
Industrial toxic pollution of marine waters - the Minamata Case PDF
Maria Panteleeva, Nikolina Radeva, Hristianna Romanova, Iglika Marinova, Theofan Kuyumdzhiev 34-40
„In Varna for beauty and health`, a specialized edition of the 1930s PDF
Dimitar Stavrev, Ivelina Dimitrova 41-45
Organisation of shipboard working hours PDF
Teodora Dimitrova, Panayot Nikolov 46-51
Infrasound exposure and health effects among seafarers PDF
Teodora Dimitrova, Panayot Nikolov 52-56
Awareness of people and priority about the choice of bathing zones at the Black Sea seaside of Varna region PDF
Mariana Yordanova, Teodora Dimitrova 57-61
Differences in perceiving the environment according to the resilience level PDF
Rositsa Nedeva 62-66

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