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Bulgarian Review of Ophthalmology

Ocular Manifestations In COVID-19: Clinical Case Reports And A Literature (Review)

A. Oscar, Y. Zdravkov, R. Hristova, G. Markov, A. Georgieva, L. Shahinyan, K. Telbizova, M. Metodieva, G. Tsvetkova, I. Petkova


Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has affected more than 130 million people as of April 2021. During the current pandemic, SARS-CoV-2 has been found to cause conjunctivitis with anecdotal evidence of a wide range of manifestations from scleritis to retinitis, occlusive vasculitis and optic neuritis. The purpose of this study is to raise awareness about possible COVID-19 related ocular manifestations, including papillophlebitis, anterior ischemic optic neuropathy, uveitis and neuroretinitis. Further detailed analyses will be needed to elucidate the link between SARS-CoV-2 and ocular pathology.


COVID-19, ocular manifestations

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About The Authors

A. Oscar
Clinic of Eye Diseases, UMHAT Alexandrovska, Medical University – Sofia

Y. Zdravkov
Clinic of Eye Diseases, UMHAT Alexandrovska, Medical University – Sofia

R. Hristova
Clinic of Eye Diseases, UMHAT Alexandrovska, Medical University – Sofia

G. Markov
Clinic of Eye Diseases, UMHAT Alexandrovska, Medical University – Sofia

A. Georgieva
Clinic of Eye Diseases, UMHAT Alexandrovska, Medical University – Sofia

L. Shahinyan
Zora Clinic of Eye Diseases – Sofia

K. Telbizova
Zora Clinic of Eye Diseases – Sofia

M. Metodieva
Zora Clinic of Eye Diseases – Sofia

G. Tsvetkova
Clinic of Eye Diseases, UMHAT Alexandrovska, Medical University – Sofia

I. Petkova
Chair of Ophthalmology, Clinic of Eye Diseases, UMHAT Alexandrovska, Medical University – Sofia Zora Clinic of Eye Diseases – Sofia
