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Bulgarian Review of Ophthalmology

Comparative Analysis Of The Results Of Anti-VEGF Therapy In Patients With AMD

H. Vidinova, D. Antonova, L. Voynov


Intravitreal injections are one of the most common procedures in ophthalmology. It is connected with direct delivery of drugs in the vitreous body. The aim of our survey is to show our comparative analysis of the results in the treatment of AMD patients with Lucentis and Eylea. Material and methods: We enrolled 24 patients with wet AMD, diagnosed and treated in the ophthalmic department of MMA for a period of 2 years. In 7 of the patients we used Lucentis and in the rest 17 Eylea. All patients were examined for VA, OCT central retinal thickness and FA (Topcon 3D OCT – FA +).  The  patients  were  treated  according to  the   Treat and extend  protocol with  period of  extension of  2 weeks. Results: Our results point out that   patients treated with Lucentis had an increase of the VA with two lines. They had also a reduction of retinal thickness. In RAP patients Lucentis gave better results than other medications. The Eylea treated patients showed also improvement of the VA, which was more significant than in the previous group. The decrease in the CRT was from approximately 400±130 μm to 288±74 μm in the 6-month follow up. Conclusion: Our  survey points out that  both Lucentis and Eylea are effective in  the treatment of AMD, although aflibercept shows  slightly better results in terms of VA and CRT. The treatment of this multifactorial disease is complex and has to be individualized in order to meet the specific  needs of the patients. We have to adjust the treatment in each case to be maximum effective.


AMD, Lucentis, Eylea, intravitreal injections

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About The Authors

H. Vidinova
ENT Diseases and Oral Surgery, Military Medical Academy – Sofia

D. Antonova
ENT Diseases and Oral Surgery, Military Medical Academy – Sofia

L. Voynov
ENT Diseases and Oral Surgery, Military Medical Academy – Sofia
