Uveitis is a chronic disease characterized by intraocular inflammation. It mainly affects people of working age and leads to blindness and disability. The aim of the present study was to provide a systematic review of the literature data on quality of life in patients with uveitis. Material and methods: For the period 1996-2021, in the available databases (PubMed, BioMedCentral, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Web of Science) a systematic analysis of scientific publications examining the assessment of quality of life in patients with uveitis was performed. Results: 5,238 publications were found for the study period, of which 1,141 were reviews and 1,647 were articles with research results. In developed countries, uveitis is the second leading cause of diabetic retinopathy of blindness in people between the ages of 20 and 65, representing up to 10% of cases of registered blindness. Over 50% of people with uveitis will develop complications related to the disease, and over 30% will have visual impairment. As a result, uveitis is associated with economic, social and personal burden, leading to incapacity for work, reduced productivity at work or at home, and job loss, which threatens the employment and financial well-being of patients. Conclusion: The quality of life in patients with uveitis is closely related to visual impairment (anterior and posterior uveitis) and pain syndrome (anterior uveitis). Uveitis is a disease that is most often chronic with a different period of time of manifestations of the disease, which requires constant monitoring.
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