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Епидемиология на инфекциозните болести в системата на общественото здравеопазване

Р. Kонстантинов, A. Kирчева, Ц. Паунов, E. Иванова, С. Станева, M. Kоларова


Introduction: In its historical development, epidemiology has become a systemic area of public health. The successes achieved in the prevention of mass infectious diseases have directed the efforts of the scientific medical community towards the application of the epidemiological scientific tools for the study of the causes and the control of the mass disease processes.

Aim: The aim of this article is to investigate and analyze the development of the current epidemiology of infectious diseases in the public health system.

Materials and Methods: We have used accessible epidemiological data and information for socially significant infectious morbidity and applied general scientific and epidemiological methods.

Results: Tracking the history of human society identifies the huge losses caused by mass contagious diseases. At the same time, the knowledge about the nature of infectious diseases is systematized. The epidemiological science arose and developed. The practical application of epidemiological knowledge in an effective anti- epidemic organization at national and international level allowed the management of epidemic processes caused by infectious diseases.

The results calmed and diverted the attention of the international health community to socially significant diseases with non-infectious nature. In recent decades epidemic processes from emerging and reemerging infectious diseases have occurred. It is necessary to re-evaluate the health policy and to restore the epidemiological science and practice for prevention of hazards with infectious nature.

Conclusion: The systematic epidemiological approach by investigation of hazards with infectious nature requires the necessary maintenance of the scientific and applied potential of epidemiological science and practice in the prevention of infectious diseases.


epidemiology; public health; infectious diseases; emerging and reemerging infections

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