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Technologies – a tool for sensory impact on children

Snezhana Veleva


Improper transmission and processing of sensory information is most commonly found in children with autism spectrum disorders or in children with other developlental disorders.

Aim: The aim of this article is to present the overcoming of sensory deficits by the application of technologies and sensory stimulation techniques for children in partnership with their parents.

Methods: The methods used included: observation; test for diagnosis of sensory-integrative dysfunction - methology of Cline/Helding;

Therapeutic tasks: The therapeutic tasks consisted of enhancing the ability to integrate sensory information through the implementation of activities with a wide range of sensory stimuli in order to provoke appropriate response (physical or emotional). Information and audiovisual technologies were used in the work with children with sensory deficits. Twelve children with varying degrees of sensory processing impairment were studied. Audiovisual technologies were used for all of them (Snoezelen multi-sensory rooms for stimulation).

Results and Discussion: The cases described prove the effect of audiovisual technologies on compensating sensory deficits in children with various impairments and developmental disorders. The study provides evidence that technologies and technological alternative therapies are more and more indispensable and applicable in the work of specialists and parents with children with sensory dysfunction.


children, sensory impact, technologies

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