Introduction and Aim: Chemotherapy used in the treatment of cancer causes many chemotherapy-associated symptoms, interruption of the treatment, reduction of dose, or modification of the chemotherapy protocol. Today, supportive treatment methods are used to manage these symptoms such as relaxation, music therapy, hypnosis, acupuncture, acupressure, meditation, massage, reflexology, cryotherapy, and aromatherapy. The purpose of this review is to systematically analyze current information and studies regarding the effects of music therapy in the management of symptoms associated with chemotherapy.
Material and methods: The literature review was done between 1 and 30 April 2020. The keywords of "cancer", "chemotherapy", "music therapy", and "chemotherapy side effects" were used for the literature review. The articles were searched via PubMed, Google Scholar, Cochrane, and Turkish Thesis Center databases. A total of 843 publications were reached. The number of studies related to the subject of the study was 314. Thirteen articles matching the study criteria were evaluated.
Results and discussion: Music therapy uses the therapeutic aspects of music. The literature review displays that music therapy is the clinical and evidence-based application of music for relieving the psychological and physiological effects of a disease or disability. Music reduces pain and anxiety, distracts attention, changes the perception of pain, improves the quality of life, and positively affects hormones such as serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline, and testosterone, decreases blood pressure, and respiratory rate, decreases cortisol secretion, increases secretion of immunoglobulin.
Conclusion: Music therapy supports patients emotionally and improves oxygenation and blood circulation. Nurses may encourage patients to listen to music for relaxation during chemotherapy.
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