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Conference Proceedings


Katerina Ilkova


The report summarizes the problems of breathing processes during verbal–public appearances in the context of modern dynamics. This necessitates the rethinking of classic pedagogical practices from the point of view of physiology. The report treats the abovementivmened problems. The classic pedagogical practices are reconsidered  from the standpoint of the physiology. The report emphasizes on the interrelation between the quantity and quality of the air in the lungs, the heart rate, the "tissue respiration," the intracellular processes, that provide vital energy, tidal capacity, and s.o. as a basic for the condition of the speaker and for the quality of his speech. As a prolonging, the autor of the report puts the new accentuation in the method of training in vauels and consonants, wich releases the tital capacity and ensures the comfort for the orator during the his speech. In the caseеs of the active verbal and moving process, this method helps “the accession of the dinamisc breathind near to that in the rest”. (KI term)

And now, in conclusion, she shows the problems of verbal expression, which remain outside the attention of speech pedagogy and medicine.


breathing, respiration, orator, speech, tachycardia

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