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Kalinka Ivanova, Petya Hristanova, Stanislava Pavlova, Zhivko Zhekov


Nowadays communication has an enormous importance in people's life, especially in the life of a child. Communication is a critical factor for the general mental development of the child, which has a decisive role in enriching the structure and content of human consciousness. Communication is a complex activity that requires specific knowledge and skills that a person masters in the process of accumulating social experience. The successful socialization of a person depends on the high level of development of his/her communication skills. Through interaction with people, children satisfy their most important need, namely the need for communication, they improve their mental, cognitive abilities and reach a higher level of development. Difficulties in satisfying and developing these needs are noted in children with a disorder of language development. The development of speech communication is one of the main conditions for the complete and full development of the child.


communication, development, specific language disorders

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