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Ilina Doykova, Valentina Yordanova


Medical English is the lingua franca of healthcare professionals and an essential prerequisite for their career development. The English language competence relates not only to reading original publications and writing research articles, but also to teaching at university settings. Among the factors that contribute to the communicative effectiveness of the instruction in the English-taught programmes are the accurate use of lexical, grammatical and syntactic structures, correct pronunciation, fluency of speech, appropriate use of discourse and metadiscourse markers, intonation and non–verbal cues.

The present study focuses on the elements of English language competence which novice instructors demonstrate during the assessment of their foreign language skills how they speak, interact with the interlocutor, and write. The analysis of the oral and written tasks, performed by the examinees, revealed both formal language issues and communicative strategies that the youngest staff members should master while conducting seminars in their subject-specific fields of expertise.


English medium instruction, NNS lecturers, academic teaching, preparedness

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