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Anna Markova


The paper presents an analysis of a corpus of French verbs culinary terms describing different techniques of product preparation (e.g. éplucher “to clean, peel (pear, potatoes)”) or dishes preparation (e.g. truffer “to garnish with truffles”). Interesting semantic developments in the culinary context (extension of meaning) are considered as well as the spread of the terms outside the strictly specialized context (éplucher “to study, examine, read, unravel”, éplucher un texte “to study in detail a text”; truffer “to fill, stuff”, truffer une histoire de mensonges “to fill a story with lies”). А comparison is made with the original meaning and the direction of development of the new, non-specialized meanings is sought (preserving common semes, moving away from the original meaning, forming concrete or abstract figurative meanings, new linguistic registers). The lexicographic presentation of the culinary terms studied is of special interest with a focus on the interpretive dictionaries Le Petit Robert and Le Trésor de la Langue française informatisé and it is supplemented with examples of new and sometimes with stylistic and pragmatic effects playful usages extracted from authentic texts. The corpus for the purposes of the present study is compiled based on online French dictionaries and glossaries of culinary terms and а textbook on gastronomic French.


verbs; culinary terms; figurative meaning; metaphorical transfer

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