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Conference Proceedings


Teodora Ignatova, Stefka Aleksandrova


Physical activity and fitness are the "key" to a healthy lifestyle. Research from recent years indicates that the effect of these activities can be sought in the following directions: lower probability of heart attack and stroke, better control of body mass, lower risk of diabetes and cancer, increased bone strength, lower risk of developing stress, depression and anxiety. The purpose of the present study is to study the impact of aerobics on the self-confidence, activity and mood of teachers and employees of "Bishop Konstantin Preslavski" University of Shumen. Research methodology includes: theoretical overview, SAN test and mathematical-statistical methods. The analysis of the studied indicators gives us reason to conclude that the applied impact of aerobics positively affects the self-esteem, activity and mood of academics.


aerobics, self-esteem, activity, mood, academics

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