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Yuli Vasilev, Boris Yankov


Volleyball is a team sport where two teams participate of six players each, and the playing field is divided by a net. With proper technique, flexibility, balance, strength, and speed of the whole body develops. Activities such as running, jumping, landing, service, and the specific "dunk", in which the upper limb is extended as far back as possible and reaches behind the head, are included. Injuries in volleyball are most often due to poor landing after a rebound, when playing to the net in an attack, blockade or collision with a teammate. The aim of this study is to describe the most common injuries in volleyball, the causes and methods of recovery and prevention of injuries. To achieve this aim, professional and non–professional volleyball players aged 18 to over 33 filled out a questionnaire with 11 questions. The servey showed that the most common areas of injuries were: ankle joint – 60%, fingers – 52%, knee joint – 46%, lumbal area – 42% and shoulder joint – 40%. The mechanism of injuries depends on the condition of the player, his technique, his physical and emotional state, the field pavement and others. Injuries can take a player off the field for a long time or even end his sports career. Good warm–up and stretching, proper technique, dosed load, as well as sufficient rest and proper nutrition are proven means to avoid injuries. An important element in the sports injuries prevention are the protectors – knee pads, ankle boots, kinesio tape and others. The preferred method of treatment is the rest – 84.1%, followed by physiotherapy and rehabilitation – 59.1%, 54.5% took medicaments and only 2.3% took massages. More than half of the servey respondents – 55.6% managed to recover completely.


volleyball, injuries, training, recovery, prevention

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