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Albena Ivanova, Basel Tahbub


With the introduction of English-language education in Medical Universities in Bulgaria, previously unknown types of sports gained popularity. With its dynamism and attractiveness, cricket in the T20 format has established itself as one of the most practiced sports by foreign students. According to the rules of this format, which is a shortened version of the game, matches are limited to 20 overs, with each innings lasting about 80 minutes with a half-hour break in between. The rules of the game require a number of physical qualities, especially speed of reaction and agility. According to the experts, one of the most common injuries in this game are strains, sprains, bruises and fractures mainly of the upper limbs – shoulder, wrist and fingers, and the lower part of the spine also suffers in the case of bowlers. The methodology proposed by us covers a set of exercises to improve the mobility, flexibility and strength endurance of the muscles and joints in these areas, mainly including exercises with the bodyweight and resistant bands.


cricket, students, injuries, recreation

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