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Nadezhda Amudzhieva, Stela Petrova


Colors occupy an important place in human existence as a tool for describing and getting a knowledge of reality. They represent a primary visual stimulus and play an essential role in conveying information. The presence of numerous terms for different nosological entities, pathological processes and conditions in clinical terminology, formed with components for color, indicates that colors are also tangibly present in the language of medicine. They can function as a description of the medical situation with problem identification as well as an element of a communicative message. Terms of a descriptive or metaphorical nature are created with the help of "color" combining forms. They reflect the clinical picture, i.e. what is found as external characteristics when encountering symptomatology. They are also used to designate anatomical objects, distinguished by a particular color, which are associated with a specific disease.
This paper explores the meaning and use of combining forms for colors in clinical terminology, and the variety of terms they form. The very fact that almost the entire color spectrum is covered by them shows that the world of clinical medicine is as colourful as life itself.


clinical terminology, combining forms for colors, color spectrum, primary visual stimulus

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