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Health Economics and Management

SPA programs as a method of worksite health promotion

Teodora Dimitrova, Nikolai Nikolaev


Introduction: Recent research has shown, that in the current work environment, there is an established connection between a worker`s surroundings and working conditions, and their level of concentration and awareness, as well as the strong effectiveness of detoxicating SPA treatments in reducing the intensity of stress that an employee endures. The nature of work, as well as the environment in which it is carried out are important factors which affect the health and satisfaction of the worker, carrying it out. The negative effects that these factors contribute to could be counteracted by detoxicating SPA treatments.
Aim: To research the positive effects of including detoxicating SPA treatments as a preventative measure against stress and its effects on the efficiency and productivity of employees.
Materials and Methods: A comparison has been made between the effectiveness and productivity of people, working primarily intellectually taxing jobs in providing services, in the absence of detoxicating SPA treatments, and the effectiveness and productivity of people working identical jobs, who were given such treatments. The methods utilized for conducting the research are a corrective test, where the experimental and control groups, both consisting of 11 people, were made to mark out specific characters in a random string of characters, and a test, where the same groups were made to draw a curve inside of boundaries, describing a smooth zig-zag pattern, without escaping the said boundaries or lifting their hand. These tests were carried out at the beginning and end of a normal workday.
Results and Discussion: A trend of delayed and reduced fatigue has been noticed in the subjects who were given detoxicating SPA treatments.
Conclusion: An increase in the health and productivity of employees, primarily carrying out intellectually taxing work under psycho-emotional stress and hypokinesia in the department of provision of services can be achieved by utilizing well-developed regulation of work and rest hours and the inclusion of detoxicating SPA treatments.


detoxicating SPA treatments; workability; health promotion

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