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Clinical and microbiological characteristics of hospitalized patients with community- acquired pneumonia

Vanya Kostadinova, Jordan Radkov, Iskra Mircheva


Community-acquired pneumonia (CaP) are  the most common infectious diseases in the modern world. according to WHO, they together  with  COPd are responsible for the largest number of cases of premature death from respiratory diseases. the presented material covers retrospectively 870 patients hospitalized with CaP. We analyzed them according to gender, age, risk group for death (according to CRB 65 and CURB 65), presence of comorbidities, place of treatment (hospital or ICU), microbial causes, following complications, hospital death.

We found that the majority of hospitalized patients have mild pneumonia and low risk of death and could be treated at home.

microbial agent has been demonstrated in 12.9% of the cases. the most common agents were representatives of the family Enterobacteriaceae.


pneumonia; comorbidity; microbial cause; complications; mortality

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