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Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Medicine and Ecology Series

Synovial lipomatosis of the foot - a unique location. Case report

Yavor Grigorov, Antonina Gegova, Marian Kanchev, Svetla Georgieva



Synovial lipomatosis, also called lipoma arborescens, is an extremely rare chronic, benign disease. Less than 100 cases have been reported in the available literature. It is characterized by substitution of the sub-synovial connective tissue with mature fat cells and villous proliferation of the synovium. The etiology in most cases remains unknown, although some authors attribute it to trauma, degenerative changes in the joint, septic arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, chikungunya viral disease, etc. The most common locations of synovial lipomatosis are the knee, shoulder, elbow and bracelet, exceptionally affecting the hip and ankle joints, etc. Locations in the foot region are extremely rare. The patient described in this article has a unique location.


The aim of this article is to draw attention to a rare disease, with an even rarer localization.

Materials and Methods

The presented patient is a man at the age of 53 with synovial lipomatosis on the plantar side of the left foot.


Up to this moment, three and a half years after the operation, the patient has no complaints and no recurrence data. The functional condition of the limb is excellent.


Synovial lipomatosis, especially that located in the foot area, is extremely rare, almost casuistic. However, it should not be excluded from the differential diagnosis.


Ключови думи вилозна липоматозна пролиферация, доброкачествено заболяване, ексцизия, синовиална липоматоза, lipoma arborescens. Key words benign disease, excision, lipoma arborescens, villa lipomatous proliferation, synovial lipomatosis.

Full Text


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