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Izvestia Journal of the Union of Scientists - Varna. Medicine and Ecology Series

Influence of adenotomy/adenoidectomy on the respiration and occlusion in mouth-breathing children

Zornitsa Valcheva, Hristina Arnautska, Gergana Ivanova, Iliyana Atanasova, Kiril Gogushev


Introduction: Difficult nasal breathing is a common problem, which may be a result of multiple factors, leading to physiological disturbance and/or anatomical disorders of the nose and paranasal sinuses. One of the most frequent reasons in childhood age is adenoid hypertrophy.

Aim: The aim of the current article is to determine the influence of adenotomy and adenoidectomy on the respiration and occlusion of children with difficult nasal breathing

Materials and Methods: A total of 412 children, diagnosed with difficult nasal breathing, took part in the study. Of them, 139 underwent a second clinical examination in the period of 1 to 3 months to determine the way of breathing after adenotomy/adenoidectomy.

Results: In primary dentition, after removing the etiological factor for difficult nasal breathing, 68.00% of the children began to breathe spontaneously through the nose. In mixed dentition, there was a higher percentage of children, who maintained mouth breathing as a bad habit. In comparison to the dental class after adenotomy/adenectomy, there was a higher percentage of Angle class II. In the saggital plane there was an increase of the frequency of the overjet from 1 to 3mm, which led to preservation of mouth breathing.

Conclusion: After adenotomy/adenectomy we have determined that in primary dentition a higher percent of children begin to breathe spontaneously through the nose, whereas in mixed dentition mouth breathing is preserved as a bad habit. In children with preserved mouth breathing, there is an increase in the degree of severity of orthodontic deformations and complications of the deformation.


hypertrophy of the adenoid, primary dentition, mixed dentition, occlusion

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