Introduction: Recently the scientific interest towards the impact of socioeconomic conditions and environmental specifics upon the level of health-related culture of parents, efficiency of the implemented health care for the oral-dental status of their children, oral health promotion on individual and social level has been increasing considerably.
Aim: The aim of this article is to investigate the significance of non-clinical parameters for the clinical manifestation of D1b non-cavitated carious lesions in children with nephrotic syndrome.
Materials and Methods: The study has used a clinical method of recording the non-cavitated clinically manifested D1b carious lesions of each participant from both of the examined groups – children with nephrotic syndrome and clinically healthy children. Using the documentary method of an enquiry data about the socioeconomic status of the family, educational qualification of parents, frequency of dental visits of children, and frequency of dental visits of parents were acquired.
Conclusion: The obtained results confirm the role and significance of non-clinical parameters and the common health status for the initiation of the carious process.
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