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International Bulletin of Otorhinolaryngology

Prognostic Significance of the Histological Subtype of the Oral Squamous Carcinoma

P. Stanimirov


Оралният плоскоклетъчен карцином е най-честия злокачествен тумор в устаната кухина. Хистопатологията и биологичното поведение на неоплазмата са добре познати на патолозите и клиницистите. Цел на настоящата работа е да дискутира хистологичните подвидове на плоскоклетъчния карцином, и тяхното влияние върху биологичното
поведение, клиничната изява и лечението.

Oral squamous cancer is the most common malignant disease in the oral cavity. The histological structure and the behavior of this tumor are familiar to the pathologists as well as the surgeons. This review debates over the histological subspecies of oral squamous cancer and their imprint on the biological behavior, clinical symptoms and treatment. We present the clinical appearance of several cases, treated by us in the context of possible correlation between the histological subspecies and the macroscopic tumor growth.


histopathology; oral cavity; spindle-cell, basaloid verrucous; squamous cell carcinoma

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