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International Bulletin of Otorhinolaryngology

Important interrelations between posturology, vestibular disorders and dentistry

M. Milkov, M. Stoykov, H. Arnautska, S. Peev, D. Petrova


Human posture is defined as any position that determines the balance with maximum stability, minimum energy consumption and minimum stress on the anatomical structures. Research done on posture makes authors look at the postural system as a whole. The aim of this article is to preview the connections between dentistry, postural science and vestibulogy.
Scientific databases – Scopus, MEDLINE, PubMed were used for the research, with the following keywords – posturology, vertigo, dental medicine, orthodontics, pathological bite, for the 2000–2020-time period. Apart from scientific articles, information from different symposiums and lectures was included. The target was to briefly point out and summarize the most important relations between the topics.
Posture is controlled by the central nervous system (CNS), leading to postural corrections. They are the result of a complex system of mechanisms, controlled by multisensory CNS-integrated inputs. The fine postural system (FPS) aims to maintain balance in the most economical way possible. Stomatognathic system is another functional unit, connected to postural system. The science that studies human posture is called posturology and is a part of integrative medicine. Integrative clinical posturology is a complex, multidisciplinary science that uses various investigation methods in several stages: detailed anamnesis; An in-depth posturological examination – including measurements and tests – for vestibular and visual function and stabilometry.
In conclusion, it can be said that posturology is a modern and, at the same time, an ancient constantly evolving, interdisciplinary, “borderline” science. It unites different specialists and helps to build an individual approach to each patient, providing a higher quality of life. There is a connection between vestibular disorders, posturological science and dentistry. Through the methods of the science for posture, occurring disorders can be detected at a much earlier stage and appearance of severe pathology prevented.


posturology, vestibular disorders, vertigo, dental medicine, orthodontics, pathological bite

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