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International Bulletin of Otorhinolaryngology

Lateral semicircular labyrintine fistula

Petar Rouev, Stoyan Markov, Radoslava Anesteva


Labyrinthine fistula (LF) is a well-known complication of chronic otitis media with cholesteatoma. The most common location of the LF is in the area of the lateral semicircular canal, but it can also affects other semicircular canals and in rare cases the cochlea. The treatment of LF has been discussed in the literature by various authors and is still debatable. Hearing preservation is an important goal of labyrinthine fistula treatment. The appropriate management of LF depends on factors like hearing condition of both ears, the extent of the disease and the intraoperative size of the fistula. Sometimes the disease induced changes can’t be detected radiologically or diagnosed clinically preoperatively. Such cases surprise the surgeon during intraoperative period and can be very challenging.

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Juan-mei Yang , Fang-lu Chi, Zhao Han, Yi-bo Huang, Yi-ke Li (2013) Clinical characteristics of patients with labyrinthine fistulae caused by middle ear cholesteatoma. Chin Med J (Engl) 126(11):2116–9.

Ratna Dwi Restuti , Harim Priyono, Ayu Astria Sriyana, Rangga Rayendra Saleh, Eka Dian Safitri (2021) Labyrinthine fistula size as a prognostic factor for postoperative hearing deterioration ORLI 2021 Volume 51 No.2: 142–146



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