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International Bulletin of Otorhinolaryngology

Analysis of mucociliary transport of the maxillary sinus mucosa after surgical trauma and in the presence of chronic inflammation

Gergana Slivovska


Background: The membrane of the maxillary sinus actively participates in the protective function of the upper respiratory tract through the mucociliary transport carried out by its ciliated epithelium. The presence of pathological changes in the sinus cavity directly affects the ability of the Schneider’s membrane to effectively perform its drainage function. The activity of mucociliary transport is reduced and the time required for the cleansing activity of the maxillary sinus is increased.
Methods: In the study we are introducing, a total of 20 patients were included, divided into two groups. Patients were scheduled for local maxillary sinus plastic surgeries. Group 1 included patients in whom we did not find a change in the thickness of the mucosa of the maxillary sinus on CBCT. In group two we selected patients with radiological data for thickened mucosa of the maxillary sinus between 5 mm and 7 mm. Before closing the communication, we placed a saccharin granule in the maxillary sinus. We assessed the activity of mucociliary transport by measuring the time for which patients registered a sweet taste in their mouth.
Results: In all of the 20 patients, we found prolonged drainage function of the maxillary sinus mucosa. For group 1, this time was recorded in the interval from 115 minutes to 238 minutes (average 137 minutes). In group 2, the time reported was between 210 and 345 minutes (average value 270.75 minutes).
Conclusions: Based on the results obtained, we can conclude that surgical trauma and chronic inflammation of the membrane of the maxillary sinus affect the efficiency of the mucociliary transport.


Mucociliary transport, Maxillary sinus mucosa, Chronic maxillary sinuitis

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