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Cochlear implant: indications, contraindications and complications

Oguz Kadir Egilmez, M. Tayyar Kalcioglu


Cochlear implant (CI) is a surgically implanted electronic device that provides a sense of sound to a person who is profoundly deaf. CI represents the current treatment for patients affected by profound sensorineu- ral hearing loss (SNHL). At first times, only deaf adults were considered to be candidates for a CI; however, with the development of technology and gained experience by pshycians, indications for cochlear implan- tation have been expanded. Today, CIs are implanted also in children and broader indications are followed. There are, however, a number of patients who are potential candidates for CI but do not completely fulfill the current indications. Residual hearing and duration of deafness represent prognostic indicators for CI per- formance; however, prelingually deafened adults and children with residual hearing are still point at issue. Anatomical variations such as cochlear malformation, ossification and chronic otitis media still represent a contraindication to CI for some surgeons. Although the technology for cochlear implant surgery is advanc- ing everyday, there may be several complications related to the device or operation and some of them can be healed only with medical therapy but some are serious enough to process to reimplantation. In this arti- cle the indications and contraindications for cochlear implant candidates and complications that may occur during or after the operation were reviewed under the light of the literature.


Cochlear implant; indication; contraindication; complication; reimplantation

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About The Authors

Oguz Kadir Egilmez
Malkara State Hospital, ENT Clinic, TekirdaÄŸ

M. Tayyar Kalcioglu
Istanbul Medeniyet University, Faculty of Medicine

Department of Otorhinolaryngology

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