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A study in university students on the applied methods of transferring information through integrated teaching of anatomy

D. Jovanovska, D. Stavrev, T. Boneva, V. Dimitrova


Ten years ago we introduced an integrated method in the teaching of Anatomy at a university level. It incorporates not only the classical methods of teaching, but also the use of electronic devices. The surveyed students are from five different courses. Despite their various specialization and qualification goals, they all share an insufficient amount of academic lessons on the difficult subject of Anatomy. The aim of this study is to improve the teaching practice, using the method of student feedback. We proposed a short survey to the students, after they completed their Anatomy course. The results were organized into tables and consequently were statistically analyzed. The following report is an analysis of the received data on the importance of the individual teaching methods in the context of integrated teaching. During the study the principle of voluntary participation was explicitly used.  

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About The Authors

D. Jovanovska

D. Stavrev

T. Boneva

V. Dimitrova

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