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Esomeprazole-based sequential therapy and probiotic for Helicobacter pylori eradication

Miglena Stamboliyska, Iskren Kotsev


PURPOSE: The objective of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of esomeprazole-based sequential therapy and Bio Gaya probiotic for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori-infection (Hp-infection) with associated gastro duodenal diseases.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study covered 104 patients with dominating upper dyspeptic syndrome and Hp-infection examined by means of two or more methods. Esomeprazole-based sequential therapy consisted in amoxicillin in a dose of 1.0 g two times daily for the first five days followed by clarithromycin and metronidazole in a dose of 500 mg two times daily for the next 5 days. A Bio Gaya probiotic was added during the 10-day treatment.

RESULTS: Hp-infection was successfully treated in 98 patients (94.2%) and in 79 out of 81 naive ones (97% of the cases). This therapy proved effective in 19 out of 23 patients (82.6%) after one or two failed Hp-infection eradications, too. The treatment failed in 6 patients (5.7%) because of a double antibiotic resistance.

CONCLUSION: The esomeprazole-based sequential therapy and Bio Gaya probiotic represented a highly and well-tolerable effective eradication option. Clinical symptoms and quality of life were favourable influenced in all the patients as well as side effects were rare.

Scripta Scientifica Medica 2013; 45(2): 61-65.

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About The Authors

Miglena Stamboliyska
Medical University of Varna

Clinic of Gastroenterology, St. Marina University Hospital of Varna

Iskren Kotsev
Medical University of Varna

Clinic of Gastroenterology, St. Marina University Hospital of Varna

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