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Life-threatening dermatoses in neonates and newborns

Valentina Broshtilova, Dimitar Nikolov, Filka Georgieva, Jeni Dimitrova, Sonya Marina


The differentiation of life-threatening dermatoses in newborn is of utmost importance. Infectious diseases, developmental defects and complicated genodermatoses are among the most important causes. Perinatal history, mother`s general state and epidemiologic data are the other important factors for the best verification and management. Herein, a thorough review of the most common life-threatening dermatoses in newborn, is presented.  A diagnostic algorithm and therapeutic clues are provided.


newborn, life-threatening dermatoses

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About The Authors

Valentina Broshtilova
Department of Dermatology and Venereology

Sofia Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria

Dimitar Nikolov
Department of Vascular Surgery

City Clinic Sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria

Filka Georgieva
Department of Infectious diseases, Parasitology and Dermato-venereology

Medical University, Varna, Bulgaria

Jeni Dimitrova
Department of Infectious diseases, Parasitology and Dermato-venereology

Medical University, Varna, Bulgaria

Sonya Marina
Medical University of Varna

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