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Structure and dynamic of mortality in Bulgaria

R. Zlatanova-Velikova


The mortality is one of the main demographic indicators for the natural movement of population. One of the most dis- turbing demographic problems in Bulgaria at the moment is a high mortality rate - total, premature and child. This re- quires its precise study and analysis.
The information about deaths reasons are a major source of information for international comparisons and analysis of national health status.
The main source of data in all European countries is a uni- form certificate of death and International Classification of Diseases of the World Health Organization [3].
For the purposes of international comparisons the World Health Organization and EUROSTAT use standardized mortality by reasons.


mortality; demographic aging; disease classes; health system

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Positive trend in reducing the level of infant mortality in the country.

EU countries Bulgaria is one of the highest standardized mortality indicators from all causes, although a trend for reduction of this indicator in the country /1 145.78% ooo in 2000. to 995.39% ohhh - 2008/.

The structure of the main causes of death for 2009, leading position occupied four classes of diseases -

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About The Author

R. Zlatanova-Velikova
Medical University - Sofia

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